As a senior in Florida, it’s extremely important to be properly prepared for an upcoming storm. You don’t want to find yourself scrambling when a storm hits. Instead, you’ll want to be properly prepared to take action as soon as the weather starts getting bad out.

Below are 3 simple steps seniors can take to prepare for any upcoming storm. These steps can not only ensure your comfort during a storm but may even save your life!

1. Gather Your Supplies

A major part of preparing for a storm is gathering the right supplies. Some supplies you’ll need to survive an upcoming storm include:

  • Bottled water
  • Canned food
  • Battery-operated or crank-operated flashlights and radios
  • Toilet paper
  • Multi-purpose tools
  • Cash
  • A whistle
  • A can opener
  • Maps
  • A first-aid kit
  • Medication
  • Pet food
  • Clothing (including jackets, strong shoes, and long pants)
  • Battery-powered chargers
  • Family contact information

You will also want to store your important documents in a waterproof holder.

2. Put Together a Plan of Action

Along with having the right supplies, you’ll also need to have the right plan of action for when the storm hits. Your plan should include:

  • A place to travel to
  • Where you plan to meet with family
  • Shelters you can stay at
  • Medical centers you can visit
  • Escape routes
  • Pet accommodations
  • Filling your prescriptions before the storm gets bad

3. Make Sure You Stay Informed

Storms move in strange and unpredictable ways. Because of this, you need to stay informed. Listen to the radio for updates and changes. Also, check your local news and keep an ear open for sirens. Consider both your local Emergency Alert System (on TV and radio), along with NOAA Weather Radio. You can also check out for more updates.

File Your Insurance Claim

The best-case scenario involves you evacuating safely and then returning to an undamaged property. After a major storm, though, there is a strong chance that your property will have been damaged. If this is the case, you’ll need to file a claim with your insurance provider.

Before anything, make sure you properly document the damage with written records, photos, and videos of the damage. You can then file. You may want to consider reaching out to a law group like Colucci Law Group to help you file properly and to ensure you get the best payout possible.

Make sure you hold onto any written communications between your insurance provider and you, and even record phone calls. This evidence may be required in case you need to sue the insurance company if they decide to deny your claim in bad faith.

What If My Insurance Company Denies My Claim in Bad Faith?

If you’ve properly documented everything, your insurance is up-to-date, you filed properly, and you filed on time, your insurance provider should pay your claim. If they decide to deny it in bad faith, you’ll want to reach out to Colucci Law Group so we can get you the money you are owed.

Colucci Law Group consists of legal experts that provide clients with support to fight bad faith claim denials. We will provide you with an outstanding property insurance lawyer to represent you in a suit against your insurance provider. We are also able to file your claim for you and defend your rights, so you get the settlement that you deserve.

For more information about our property insurance legal services, reach out today. We’d be happy to help you to file your claim or represent you in a lawsuit against your insurance provider.

If you suspect that you are the victim of a bad faith insurance claim denial, we can help. The Colucci Law Group has the resources to assess the validity of your claim at no cost to you. For a free consultation, email us or call our Dunedin office at 727-733-9438. You may also call our Fort Myers office at 239-378-7800. Our team assists victims of bad-faith insurance claims across the state of Florida.