Any change in the way the brain functions can completely disrupt your life. At Colucci Law Group in Florida, our team often works with people who have suffered a blow to the head, and we have seen firsthand the damage that a traumatic brain injury can do.

Brain dysfunction is the primary distinctive feature of a TBI, and in fact, you do not have to hit your head to suffer one. According to the Mayo Clinic, two of the main causes of TBI are falls and motor vehicle accidents, and in either, the force of the impact can send your brain crashing into the inside of your skull. Whether the initial blow came from inside or outside your head, though, the bruised tissues, damaged nerves and torn blood vessels generally lead to pressure inside the skull.

If you did not hit your head, or did not hit it very hard, you may expect any symptoms you feel, such as headache, dizziness, sensitivity to lights and sounds, and nausea, to fade over the next few days. However, in some cases, the pressure, bleeding and bruising could worsen rather than improve. You could start having delayed symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, confusion, trouble concentrating or thinking clearly, and difficulty speaking. Seizures are also a common sign of brain trauma.

Because there is no way for you to tell from the outset whether your injury is serious, it is a good idea to seek medical attention after any blow to the head or forceful impact. With the appropriate tests, a doctor may be able to tell if there is any internal damage and schedule a follow-up with you to make sure your TBI is healing without further issues. More information about the aftermath of an injury accident is available on our webpage.